Building an active, thriving community for all
Who We Are
The Chatham Health Alliance is a collaborative of local professionals and community members working together to improve health and well-being in Chatham County. The Alliance brings together both traditional and nontraditional partners to work on issues affecting health in Chatham County, with a focus on the health priorities identified through the Community Assessment process: Access to Comprehensive Health Services, Equity, Healthy Eating, Active Living, and Economic Stability & Resilience.

Our vision is an active, thriving community for all-a Chatham where residents of all races, religions, ethnicity, sexual orientations, and/or gender identities achieve optimal health.
To bring organizations and residents together to work on issues affecting health in Chatham County, with a focus on the health priorities identified in the Community Health Assessment.

Core Values
The work of the Chatham Health Alliance is rooted in the belief that health decisions are directly impacted by the social, cultural, and environmental contexts in which individuals live, work, play, and pray. Addressing these contexts is larger than any one individual or agency can address on their own, and the strength of the Alliance to create change lies in the participation and engagement of Chatham's residents, businesses, faith communities, civic organizations, nonprofits, and agencies. Joining together, we can identify solutions for our communities rooted in data, evidence, and partnership.

The most recent Alliance bylaws were revised and adopted in 2019.
Our strategic plan outlines the goals and actions of the Chatham Health Alliance. Each Subcommitee of the Alliance creates a collaborative strategic plan.
Our Work
The Health Priority Subcommittees
The Chatham Health Alliance has four subcommittees focused on the three Health Priorities identified through the 2018 and 2021 Community Assessments, and one standing subcommittee focused on Equity. Subcommittees are action based groups that are made up of organizational and community members of the Alliance who are passionate about working on collaborative strategies. Below you will find descriptions of each subcommittee.
Data Dashboards

Access to Comprehesive Services
The Access Subcommittee focuses on strategies related to equitable accessibility of physical, mental, and behavioral health services. Current work of the Access subcommittee includes partnering on the EMBRACe project, supporting partners navigate the role out of NCCARE360 and more. Members of this subcommittee include UNC Family Medicine, KidSCope, Chatham Hospital, Piedmont Health Services, Chatham County Public Health Department, Daymark Recovery, and many more.
The Equity Subcommittee is a standing subcommittee of the Chatham Health Alliance. The Equity Subcommittee helps to grow and promote equity internally in the Alliance, in Alliance programs, and publications through review, training, and member engagement. Members of this subcommittee include: Chatham Organizing for Racial Equity, Piedmont Health Services, UNC Family Medicine, North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences (NC TraCS) Institute, and many more.
Healthy Eating, Active Living
The H.E.A.L. Subcommittee focuses on strategies related to physical activity and nutrition. Among many community based strategies, the H.E.A.L. Subcommittee helps implement the Chatham Worksite Wellness program, the Healthy Hospital program, and SNAP/EBT programs at Farmer's Markets. Members of this subcommittee include: Chatham County Parks and Recreation, the Partnership for Children, Chatham County Schools, Chatham County Cooperative Extension, Chatham County Public Health Department, Safe Kids Chatham, and many more.
Economic Stability and Resilience
The Resilience Subcommittee focuses on social determinants of health with an emphasize on strategies related to Education, Employment, and Neighborhood & Built Environment. Currently the Resilience Subcommittee is working on developing leadership opportunities for Chatham County youth, workforce development, and community service co-location including the Alliance Community Resource Hub. Members of this subcommittee include: Salvation Army, Chatham Literacy, Chatham Education Foundation, Insight Human Services, Daymark Recovery, Chatham County Mangers Office, Economic Development Corporation, NCWorks, and more.
Donna Smith, Chatham Trades
Open Position: Nominate a new Vice-Chair here!
Michael Zelek, Public Health Representative, Chatham County Public Health Department
Eric Wolak, Hospital Representative, Chatham Hospital
Karinda Roebuck, Equity Subcommittee Co-Chair, Community Organizing for Racial Equity
Mallory Peterson, Interim Subcommittee Representative, Chatham County Parks and Recreation
Maia Fulton-Black, Equity Subcommittee Co-Chair, Chatham County Public Health Department

501 Pharmacy
Active Living by Design
Boys and Girls Club
Carolina Meadows
Center for the Health of Vulnerable Populations
Central Carolina Community College
Central Carolina Community Family Care
Central Piedmont Urgent Care
Chatham Cares Pharmacy
Chatham County Board of Commissioners
Chatham County Board of Health
Chatham County Chamber of Commerce
Chatham County Department of Social Services
Chatham County Libraries
Chatham County Manager's Office
Chatham County Parks and Recreation
Chatham County Planning Department
Chatham County Public Health Department
Chatham County Schools
Chatham County Sheriff's Office
Chatham Drug Free
Chatham Economic Development Corporation
Chatham Education Foundation
UNC Health Chatham
Chatham Literacy
Chatham Literacy

Chatham READS Alliance
Chatham Ridge Assisted Living
Chatham Trades
Chatham Transit
Chatham YMCA
Chiseled Gym and Nutrition
Council on Aging
Communities In Schools of Chatham County
Central Piedmont Community Action
Daymark Recovery
El Futuro
Food Bank of Central and Eastern NC
Fearrington Cares
Friends of the Lower Haw River
Galloway Ridge
Habitat for Humanity
Hispanic Liaison
IMPAC Substance Abuse
Insight Human Services
Legal Aid NC
Monarch NC
North Carolina Translational and Clinical Sciences (NC TraCS) Institute
​NCFASD Informed, Inc.
Office of Senator Burr
PACE Senior Health Center
Partnership for Children​
Pinnacle Family Services
Pittsboro Church of the Nazarene

Piedmont Health Services
Pittsboro Discount Drug
Pittsboro Urgent Care
Poe Center for Health Education
Race for Equity
Resolve PT and Rehabilitation
SafeKids Chatham
Salvation Army
Silver Thread Communities
Sonflower Seeds Childcare
Tammy Lynn Center
The Farm at Penny Lane
The Laurels of Chatham
Therapeutic Alternatives
Town of Pittsboro
Town of Siler City
Transitions LifeCare
Triangle J Council of Governments
Triangle Land Conservancy
True Community Church
UNC Birth Partners
UNC Family Medicine
UNC Center for Excellence in Community Mental Health
UNC Gilling's School of Public Health
UNC Healthcare
UNC School of Nursing
UNC School of Social Work
United Methodist Church
United Way of Chatham
Uplift Chatham
Vaya Health