Alliance Strategic Plan
Health Priorities & Subcommittees
The Chatham Health Alliance Strategic plans were created through collaborative planning efforts in each Alliance subcommittee. The strategic plan of the Alliance is an action oriented plan, that is created by and carried out by members of the Alliance.
Not Started
Access to Comprehensive Health Services
Goal 1:
Improve the coordination of care through enhanced partnerships between service providers
Strategy 1.A:
Support implementation and maintenance of NCCARE360 to ensure the system is understood and utilized effectively across providers
Strategy 1.B:
Pursue system and service alignment to achieve equitable and successful birth outcomes for moms, babies, and families.
Goal 2:
Ensure service providers deliver high quality, culturally and linguistically appropriate care
Strategy 2.A:
Support existing work to provide education to and assist agencies in implementing culturally and linguistically appropriate services.
Strategy 2.B
Assess current quality of services in regards to cultural and linguistic appropriateness of healthcare services in the county.
Goal 3:
All Chatham County residents can confidently achieve their optimal health
Strategy 3.A:
Coordinate community events focused on health topics
Strategy 3.B
Increase availability of physical and behavioral health services to uninsured and undocumented individuals
Strategy 3.C
Educate and empower older adults to navigate the health care system
Strategy 3.D
Investigate and advocate for policy level solutions to improve access to care for children and other vulnerable populations with I/DD and Behavioral Health needs
Obesity, Physical Activity, and Nutrition
Goal 1:
Improve access to and participation in physical activity throughout Chatham County
Strategy 1.A:
Increase recreation infrastructure to promote physical activity
Strategy 1.B:
Enhance community Physical Activity Events
Strategy 1.C:
Improve physical activity practice in child care centers
Goal 2:
All Chatham residence have access to nutritious, sustainable food
Strategy 2.A:
Support existing infrastructure that provides nutritious and affordable food to Chatham County community members.
Strategy 2.B:
Implement new programs and initiatives to improve access to nutritious and affordable food
Strategy 2.C:
Improve nutrition practices in child care centers
Goal 3:
Improve health practices for employees throughout Chatham County
Strategy 3.A:
Implement Worksite Wellness at employers across the county
Poverty, Community, & Social Determinants of Health
Goal 1:
Improve community cohesion and access to social services and basic necessities
Strategy 1.A:
Create and implement a plan for Alliance outreach, education, and advocacy activities
Strategy 1.B:
Develop a best practices resource for planning and implementation of built environment including health in all policies, equity, & connectivity
Strategy 1.C:
Research and design co-location of Chatham County social and health services
Goal 2:
All Chatham community members have access to affordable and quality educational opportunities
Strategy 2.A:
Support the development & coordination of a youth development council
Strategy 2.B:
Research universal access to pre-k
Strategy 2.C:
Engage families with young children
Goal 3:
Improve availability and equity of access to secure employment
Strategy 3.A:
Support the development of new and existing job training
Create a Living Wage program in Chatham County
Strategy 3.B:
Goal 1:
Diversify Alliance Membership
Strategy 1.A:
Targeted data-driven recruitment of new members
Strategy 1.B:
Improve accessibility of Alliance meetings and activities
Strategy 1.C:
Build a sense of belonging, safety and community within the Alliance for all members
Goal 2:
Strengthen and expand the Equity lens of all Alliance members
Strategy 2.A:
Provide equity training and engagement opportunities to all CHA members
Strategy 2.B:
Establish member onboarding and training requirements
Strategy 2.C:
Implement on-boarding and orientation protocol
Goal 3:
Incorporate equity principles into planning, implementation, and evaluation activities of the Alliance
Strategy 3.A:
Train Alliance leadership and Equity Subcommittee members in meeting facilitation, planning for equity, and other key areas
Create a protocol for planning and evalation based on the Health Equity Impact Assessment and other published tools
Strategy 3.B:
Provide technical assistance and guidance to other Alliance subcommittees and Alliance leadership
Strategy 3.C:
Goal 4:
Empower member organizations to adopt equity tools in their planning, implementation, and evaluation processes
Strategy 4.A:
Curate an equity lens toolkit
Strategy 4.B:
Partner with other community-based organizations to provide equity training and technical assistance to member organizations